My Top 5 Tips When Playing McCree in Overwatch


Jesse McCree is best known as an ex member of the Deadlock Gang as well as Blackwatch, who was under the operation of Gabriel Reyes.


The Deadlock Gang where a group of outlaws who specialised in trafficking weapons and other military hardware throughout the southwest of the USA. Under a sting operation at Route 66, the Deadlock Gang were captured by Overwatch, and McCree was given a choice – either rot in jail or join Blackwatch. The others were thrown into jail but McCree agreed to the latter.


During his time with Blackwatch, McCree made amends by bringing down criminals and justice to the world. But when Overwatch disbanded, McCree cut himself off from the others and became a bounty hunter and vigilante, dealing justice on his own terms.


McCree is an Offense Hero with a 2 star rating.

Tip #1 – Track and Flick


McCree’s primary weapon is his Peacekeeper – a colt revolver with 6 rounds. And like most guns in Overwatch, it has 2 firing modes. The first lets you fire a single shot (20 – 70 damage per shot) with a 20 – 45 m falloff range and can headshot. Despite being able to headshot, it is not the greatest weapon to be a pseudo sniper with – against an enemy player with 200 HP, it can take 3 shots (and that’s if all of them are headshots), so it will be hard to headshot a Tank.

The secondary fire mode is Fan the Hammer – this is more of a burst where McCree fires all bullets left (even if some have been used already) in a fan like manner. Understandably, this is harder to control and deals less damage (22 – 45 per bullet) but is good finishing off low health enemies.

And great technique to use with McCree’s Peacekeeper is Tracking and Flicking. Tracking is self-explanatory: you track your enemy and shoot them when they are in prime position. Flicking, however, is different – you ‘flick’ your wrist to the enemy’s position and fire in a wildly fashion. While tracking is more accurate, flicking is helpful in a sticky situation, and damn satisfying when pulled off well.

Tip #2 – Fan the Blow


On the subject of Fan the Hammer, it is a popular ability to use in combination with McCree’s Flashbang – Flashbang first, then Fan the Hammer. It works best with a full clip to make up for any shots missed (which is very probable) but still dealing plenty of damage. It is not to be used on Tanks like D.Va or Roadhog who deal a large amount of damage at close range but it better used for ‘squishy’ heroes (i.e. heroes who have 200 HP).

Tip #3 – Do a Combat Roll!


Another one of McCree’s abilities is the Combat Roll – he will perform a roll in the direction he is facing (up to 6 m) while simultaneously reloading his Peacekeeper. This doesn’t quite act like Reaper’s Shadow Step or Tracer’s Recall as the player can still take damage while dodging. However, it can be used to keep a string of combo attacks, especially with the Flash-Fan combo. Much like Widowmaker’s Ult, it needs to be timed well and used under the right circumstances (i.e not to get out of the way of a Ult, like D.Va’s Self Destruct or Tracer’s Pulse Bomb).

Tip #4 – Boom Goes the Flashbang


As perviously mentioned, McCree’s last ability is the Flashbang – a projectile that will explode and stun any enemies with a 2m radius (with an extra 25 damage). You would think that the Flashbang would be very similar to Ana’s Biotic Grenade, but it does not travel far enough (up to 5m range) nor does it denote once it’s in contact with the ground (but it will if it hits an enemy or after a set amount of time), so do not use it at long range as it may not work and be a wasted opportunity. The Flashbang followed by the Combat Roll is also a good method of escaping.

Tip #5 – Focus. Mark. Draw

McCree’s Ultimate is probably the most well know (mostly from the line, “It’s high noon,”) and probably most feared (I always hide from it if I’m playing Mercy). It is a rapid fire hitscan that marks all enemies within McCree’s sight and fires at them, no matter what direction they’re in (similar to Soldier: 76’s Ult) that can deal up to 250 damage (which is why it’s one of the most hated ults for Supports, along with Junkrat’s Rip-Tire). This Ult is not to be wasted on just 1 player (even if they do piss you off and you decide to make them your rival for the rest of the match) but to be used in a wide, open space with not many hiding places, otherwise either 1 of 2 things will happen – an enemy will knock you back so you can longer mark them or they will hide themselves. Again this is an Ult that can be paired with other Ults (crowd control ones like Blizzard or Gravitional Surge) and can actually be cancelled if need be. Just don’t let your fellow teammates gun-block your shots!

  • Watch a overview of McCree’s abilities here.
  • Watch a video of McCree gameplay here.
  • McCree also starred in his own comic called “Train Hopper” that you can read here.

Thanks for reading, let me know if you have any of your own tips that I may have missed! Until next time, take care!

My set up for McCree


Much obliged!